30 August 2009

RESET button...

Ok. Right brain... Left brain... Universal mind... set... go... it is now time for a RESET - TING of my, of (our) paradigm. An over-haul of the current... current of thinking. FREE free association... opportunity challenge new ideas blocked by old ideas rise ing above without notice watch out for vampires or call your mom to warn of impending laughter on site with blankets and cookies pinch the girls with the long dark hair and the cheery wind blown smiles it makes no sense and makes us no cents incensed to action without the map or the guide dance until you feel it you'll know what he meant no flowers no rubber gloves or pink socks with bunnies withdraw the questions of authority and you'll know if you were right left or wrong.... it doesn't make sense... but maybe it does... paradigm shift in 3-2-1...

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