12 August 2009

Breaking Up is Hard to Do...

Oh Dear Brayton, If it were possible... I would text dump you right now. I would say that "It's not you - it's me" And yes dear, that'd be a lie because it is you. I came to you with enthusiasm and boundless energy looking to build our lives anew - to launch a great adventure from your shores... and Ok, I was, perhaps, a little naive... a little too stary eyed... I didn't know you had such problems... such deep emotional and socio-political problems. You hate yourself and you don't even know it. Sad really... You are stuck in the past and fear anything or anyone who is different. Different is bad... threatening to you in fact. You fear change... Your mind is closed and you refuse to evolve. I can't even be friends with you after what I have learned. I will continue to blog regardless, I have to. It's what I do, but there will be little mention of you. Don't get me wrong Brayton... have had some good times here. Arguably, some times better than other times... we have also had some bad times(and some worse than bad times), and also some very creepy times as well. But alas, our relationship here has become stagnant and boring. You're moody and self absorbed all the time. All the time. You barely talk to me, and it's like you're embarrassed to be seen with me or something. I'm done with you Brayton - This is really Goodbye - I am deleting you from my phone... and removing you from my email address book. I'll send your stuff back in a box. I am packing my bags and I'll leave my key on the way out. It's been real. But one thing Brayton... You should get some help. No, seriously, please get help before it's too late....... Regards, Nathan(blue)

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