20 March 2009

From Today On...

I learned something new from Joe Vitale today.
It goes like this: I'm sorry, please forgive me. Thank You. I Love You.
It is a simple conversation with the Divine.
I like when things are simple.
I have been spending a lot of time working on myself. A lot of time.
We (Teresa and I) have been working diligently to get our metaphysical shit together.
And like any process, that takes time and effort. There have been many ups, downs, and distractions.
I have much to blog about, or not. I am not even sure where I would start.
I do know this. I feel very clear. Very Clear. And the universe is in motion around us.
We must expand in order to be in alignment with our universe. Expand and expand some more.
Perfect alignment is the goal and destination.

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